Assistant Professor of Law (On Lien)
UGC-CARE Indexed:
· Vikram Karuna, “Freedom of Trade and Commerce in the Constitution of India: An Appraisal”, 9/36 Shodh Sanchar Bulletin 85-91 (2019). ISSN: 2229-3620
· Vikram Karuna, “Goods and Services Tax in India: An Overview”, 6/24 Shodh Sarita 216-221 (2019). ISSN: 2348-2397
UGC Listed:
· Vikram Karuna, “Impact of Goods and Services Tax (GST) On the Indian Economy”, 6/1 Ad-Valorem Journal of Law 6-9 (2019). ISSN: 2348-5485
· Vikram Karuna, “Economic Justice and Welfare of Marginalized Groups: Components of Social Justice”, 5/1 Ad-Valorem Journal of Law 109-114 (2018). ISSN: 2348-5485.
· Vikram Karuna, “Social Justice under the Constitution of India: A study with special reference to equality of opportunity”, 5/3 Ad-Valorem Journal of Law 105-109 (2018). ISSN: 2348-5485
· Vikram Karuna and Ashok Kumar, Foreign Direct Investment and Constitution of India (Anamika Publishers, New Delhi, 2018). ISBN: 978-81-7975-702-4