Core Faculty



Assistant Professor of Political Science


Assistant Professor of Political Science

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science & Coordinator, School of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, India;

Visiting Faculty, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Czech Republic;

Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law and Justice, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada;

Mobile: 91-9814813125; E-mail:,

Education: Shveta Dhaliwal has done Post Graduation in Political Science in 2000 and in English in 2002 from Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU), Amritsar, India. She cleared her UGC-NET in the subject of Political Science in 2001. (The UGC-NET is a national level competitive test to be eligible to teach in Universities in India as per the University Grants Commission of India). She has completed her Master’s in Philosophy (M.Phil.) in International Relations from Himachal Pradesh University in 2006. Her inter-disciplinary Doctoral (Ph.D.) was completed in 2014.

Academic Experience: She has been teaching since 2000 and is presently working at Rajiv Gandhi National Law University, Punjab at Patiala. She teaches Political Science as Major and has been teaching 6 specialization papers. Her areas of work are Human Rights, International Relations, Geopolitics, Research and Higher Education Pedagogy Skills and Political Philosophy. She is on the academic panels of several Universities and international publication houses like Routledge, Palgrave, Springer etc.

Teaching/Special Lectures Taught Abroad: She was invited by the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights, Tanzania during its Addis Ababa session in Ethiopia to give a lecture on South Asian Human Rights System in 2014 and by the African Union to present a paper in Second Judicial Dialogue, Arusha, Tanzania, 2015. In 2016 she presented a paper in the International Symposium on Human Rights, 21-22 November 2016 and two papers at the High Level Dialogue on Human Rights, 24-27 November 2016, organised by the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights and African Union in Arusha, Tanzania. She has been teaching a special course in Masaryk University, Czech Republic since 2018 and in Laurentian University Canada since 2019.

International Scholarships: She is visiting faculty at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. She has been appointed as Adjunct Professor at Department of Law and Justice, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada since 2019. Shveta has availed a number of international scholarships, some of them being: International Institute of Human Rights (IIDH), Strasbourg, France, to attend a course on comparative human rights in the year 2009. She has also done a Diploma on Human Rights Teaching and Research in Universities from the same institute in the same year. She has been selected for Research Course Fellowship, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2010 and has availed the US Department of State Fellowship, 2018. She has presented a number of research papers in international conferences in India as well as abroad, for example in Malaysia in 2011. She has completed a Research Project sponsored by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi in 2012 and has guided a research project sponsored by British Council, New Delhi. She works as a member of editorial board for RGNUL Social Sciences Journal.

Academic Events Organised: She has organized twenty five national and international academic events, like international conferences, workshops, panel discussions etc. with national as well as international agencies like: the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiatives (CHRI), the Indian Council of Social Sciences Research-North Western Regional Centre (ICSSR-NWRC), the United Nations, the Laurentian University and Ontario International Development Agency, Canada, the Embassy of the United States, New Delhi and the Centre for Trade and Investment Law, Ministry of Trade and Commerce, New Delhi.

She is coordinator of the RGNUL School of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (SSSIS) and is Fulbright Campus Representative for RGNUL since 2012. Research inputs submitted by the School on the nexus between displacement and contemporary forms of slavery (A/HRC/48/52), to be presented at the 48th session of the Human Rights Council on 17 September 2021 have been cited in UN report.

Publications: She has edited three books on Human Rights Advocacy, Global Governance and Political Science and Deliberations on Research Methodology: A Multi-disciplinary Approach. She has authored three books, her recent authored book is entitled Human Rights Mechanism in South Asia has been published by Routledge, London-New York-New Delhi, 2017. The second edition of the book is due in 2022. Her two edited volumes, Indo-US Relations, and Foreign Policy of India, with Routledge are forthcoming in 2021. Her authored book on UN and Human Rights, Routledge is also forthcoming in 2022. She has forty research papers published in national and international journals. Her research paper on European and South Asian Social Charter has been published in Spanish language by the University of Argentina in 2013.

Administrative Duties/Memberships: She has been a member of the RGNUL Executive Council and Academic Council. She is life member of Indian Political Science Association and South Asian Foundation and annual member of Indian Society of International Law. She has also joined as full member of World Constitution and Parliament Association, USA and Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace.

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