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Forensic Science is a vital component of criminal justice system. It examines physical evidence in legal context. The understanding of forensic science and its application is significant for strengthening the criminal justice system. Forensic Science in the National Law School curriculum is designed to facilitate understanding of scientific analyses, theories and field techniques. The analysis of forensics helps in the investigation and prosecution of civil and criminal proceedings. While the law enforcement agencies through investigators work on coming to a chain of sequence of events, with both physical and electronic evidences on record, it is actually the application of scientific rules that oversees the investigation of these evidences to construct realities which are eventually presented before the courtroom. Forensic scientists are important stakeholders in criminal justice administration as they not only collect  evidence from the crime scene but also analyze it to assist courts in the justice delivery mechanism.

The  Forensic Division at RGNUL, Punjab has been established to impart  holistic understanding of Forensic Science and law  and prepare efficient professionals for service in judicial systems.

Events organized:

Master Classroom on Role of Forensic Science in The Criminal Justice System.  October 09 to October 11,2021

Two Days Appreciation Course on The Role of Digital Evidence in The Criminal Justice System. April 22-23,2022

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