About Patiala

About Patiala

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  • Infrastructure   /   Health Centre

The health of its students and staff is of utmost importance to the university.  Health and Counselling Centre has been established to facilitate treatment for general ailments, minor injuries and referral services. Timings are from 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. on working days and   6:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Sundays and gazetted holidays. The Health Centre also looks after the social, preventive and environmental health of the Campus.

Facilities available at the University Health Centre:

  1. OPD facility and treatment for minor injuries.

  2. The counsellor provides the counselling services to the students and staff.

  3. Facilities for Nebulization.

  4. The lab facilities are available in the health centre at nominal charges from 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M.

  5. In-house availability of Ambulance for referrals by Medical Officer in case of dire emergency.

  6. In case of dire emergency, on call availability of Medical Officer and Supporting Staff.

  7. Health advisories are issued from time to time. Awareness sessions are routinely undertaken. Medical camps in collaboration with various specialists are arranged routinely for the welfare of the students and staff.

  8. U H C also has taken up the onus of conducting routine health check-up of students and staff, especially the food handlers in the canteen and messes.

Emergency contact Numbers:-

Landline No.-01752391342

Mobile No.-8968491342

Copyright 2021 Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Punjab.