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Grievance Redressal Mechanism

           Institutional Student Grievance Redressal Committee (ISGRC) : Where a complaint does not relate to any academic department, centre
           or common facilities the complaint may be referred to the Institution Student Grievance Redressal Committee.

                          Submission of Complaint                  Review of Complaint           Appeal of Complaint

             1.   Registrar, RGNUL, Chairperson              The ISGRC shall send its report with   Appeal against the decision

             2.  Dean Students' Welfare - Member             recommendations if any to the Vice-  lies with the ombudsperson
             3.  Two Senior Academic Faculty Members         Chancellor alongwith the copy to the   nominated by the State
                 nominated by the Vice- Chancellor - Members  aggrieved student within a period of   Government
             4.   A Student Representative nominated by the   15 working days from the date of
                 Vice-Chancellor based on academic merit/    receipt of grievance

                 excellence/co-curricular activities - Member

           Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee (DSGRC) : A complaint by any aggrieved student relating to a department, centre
           of the University or common facilities shall be addressed to Departmental Student Grievance Redressal Committee to be constituted at

           the level of department/centre as the case may be.

                             Submission of Complaint                        Review of Complaint       Appeal of Complaint

             1.   Head of Department/Centre/ Common Facilities - Chairperson The DSGRC shall send its   Appeal against the
             2.  Two Professors from outside the epartment/Centre to be    report with recommendations  decision lies with
                nominated by the Vice-Chancellor - Members
                                                                       if any to the Vice-Chancellor   the ombudsperson
             3.  A member of faculty well versed with mechanism of
                                                                       alongwith the copy to the      nominated by the
                Grievance Redressal to be nominated by the Chairperson -
                                                                       aggrieved student within a     State Government
                                                                       period of 15 working days
             4.  A Student Representative nominated by the Vice- Chancellor
                based on academic merit/ excellence/co-curricular activities -  from the date of receipt of

                Member                                                 grievance

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